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Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, 2023, 6(8); doi: 10.25236/AJHSS.2023.060813.

A Comparative Research on the Reports about the COVID-19 Pandemic Happened in Chinese Mainland from TV Programs—Take CCTV News Weekly and Sisy's World News as the Examples


Haoyi Ma

Corresponding Author:
Haoyi Ma

Faculty of Humanities and Arts, Macau University of Science & Technology, Macau, 999078, China


This study uses the framework theory to analyze the content of the two representative TV news magazines on the mainland's coronavirus epidemic. The study found that the two programs in the relevant reports show the five general news frameworks of economic consequences, responsibility, conflict, human feelings, and people's livelihood. Compared with Sisy's World News, CCTV News Weekly contains fewer conflicts and pays more attention to human interests and people's livelihoods. However, there is no significant difference between CCTV News Weekly and Sisy's World News in general news frameworks such as economic consequences and responsibility. At the same time, there are also significant differences in the tone of the reports presented by the programs.


News of COVID-19; General news framework; TV news magazine; Cross-strait television media

Cite This Paper

Haoyi Ma. A Comparative Research on the Reports about the COVID-19 Pandemic Happened in Chinese Mainland from TV Programs—Take CCTV News Weekly and Sisy's World News as the Examples. Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (2023) Vol. 6, Issue 8: 66-70. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJHSS.2023.060813.


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