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Frontiers in Art Research, 2023, 5(6); doi: 10.25236/FAR.2023.050612.

Cultural and Creative Design of Nature Education and Ecological Aesthetics


Xia Qiu1, Gang Wang2

Corresponding Author:
Xia Qiu

1Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Chongqing, 401331, China

2Chongqing Jinyun Mountain National Nature Reserve Administration, Chongqing, 400700, China


At present, due to the deterioration of the natural environment and the worsening ecological crisis, people pay more attention to the protection of nature and live in harmony with nature. The ecological law has become the organic content of “the law of beauty”. The ecological aesthetic education born in this situation reflects people’s introspection on their own survival and their desire and pursuit of natural beauty in the post-epidemic era. Nature is no longer an isolated and static material existence for people to take, but a whole organic existence. As a human is no longer the master of all things, but a life existence in the ecosystem living with the natural things. Ecological aesthetic education needs multiple bearer, and the cultural and creative design of nature education is born in response to this demand, which has been quickly recognized by people and gradually attracted wide attention. The cultural and creative design of nature education aims to fully explore the concept of nature education in cultural and creative products, and let people feel the existence of beauty in the process of natural experience through design elements. At the same time, to meet people’s aesthetic needs and let people better understand the basic knowledge of the natural environment and ecosystem. The research shows that through the application of design elements, the cultural and creative products of nature education can improve the ecological aesthetic education function of the products, so as to increase people’s awareness of home and the sense of harmonious coexistence between human and nature. And ecological aesthetic can further widen the development field of cultural and creative design of nature education and provide more possibilities, improving the artistic value and cultural connotation of products.


Nature Education, Ecological Aesthetics, Cultural and Creative Design, Environmental Protection

Cite This Paper

Xia Qiu, Gang Wang. Cultural and Creative Design of Nature Education and Ecological Aesthetics. Frontiers in Art Research (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 6: 64-67. https://doi.org/10.25236/FAR.2023.050612.


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