Frontiers in Art Research, 2023, 5(7); doi: 10.25236/FAR.2023.050714.
Jun Zhao1, Mingming An2, Yanjia Lin3, Ziming Zheng4, Zhi Zhang3, Zhifeng Lai3
1School of Economics and Trade, Guangzhou Huali College, Guangzhou, 511325, China
2School of Economics and Business, Guangzhou Huali College, Guangzhou, 511325, China
3School of Management, Guangzhou Huali College, Guangzhou, 511325, China
4School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Guangzhou Huali College, Guangzhou, 511325, China
As one of the important elements of intangible cultural heritage in the Chaoshan region, Chaoshan Yingge dance need to be inherited and developed historically. This paper analyzes the existing resources, talents, and teams of Chaoshan Yingge dance through field investigation, combined with government policies and support contents, and provides relevant suggestions for the development of Chaoshan Yingge dance through the AIDEES model.
Chaoshan Yingge dance, Intangible cultural heritage, Heritage and development, AIDEES model
Jun Zhao, Mingming An, Yanjia Lin, Ziming Zheng, Zhi Zhang, Zhifeng Lai. An Analysis of the Heritage and Development of Chaoshan Yingge Dance Based on the AIDEES Model. Frontiers in Art Research (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 7: 72-78.
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