Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science, 2023, 6(7); doi: 10.25236/AJETS.2023.060701.
He Zhou, Shuting Lv, Jiangang Yan, Dongkai Chen, Tong Zhang
Capital Aerospace Machinery Corporation Limited, Beijing, 100071, China
In this paper, the development and current situation of China's aerospace manufacturing field are summarized, and the assembly of a kind of elastic bag assembly is analyzed, and the assembly scheme is proposed, which solves the defects of difficult assembly and easy to cut the sealing ring in the assembly of elastic bag assembly. Then, the assembly process of the assembly scheme was introduced in detail, and the reliability analysis of the auxiliary tooling was carried out by using finite element software, and the feasibility of the assembly scheme was verified by digital calculation. Finally, the assembly scheme of the elastic bag assembly is summarized and prospected.
Aerospace manufacturing; Tooling; Assembly scheme; Finite element simulation
He Zhou, Shuting Lv, Jiangang Yan, Dongkai Chen, Tong Zhang. An assembly scheme of elastic bag components in a rigid shell. Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science (2023) Vol. 6, Issue 7: 1-6.
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