International Journal of New Developments in Education, 2023, 5(9); doi: 10.25236/IJNDE.2023.050910.
Xing Guo, Jonas L. Depaynos
College of Teacher Education, University of the Cordilleras, Baguio, 2600, Philippines
The development of science and technology is an important means to enhance the comprehensive national strength. Therefore, it requires us to attach importance to the cultivation of scientific thinking ability. Physical experiment teaching is the basic content of physics teaching in middle schools and is an important way to cultivate students' spirit of study and science. However, at present, the importance of physics classroom experiment teaching has not been paid attention by many front-line teachers. This paper is based on the research status of deep learning and physics experiment teaching at home and abroad. Through the questionnaire survey, we can understand the implementation of experimental teaching for junior high school students. Combined with the specific cases of junior high school teaching, carry out experimental innovation, including the optimization of classroom experimental teaching aids and experimental methods, as well as the extension of students' family experiments after class. Through the test and comparison, the experimental scheme with strong feasibility is summarized to improve students' scientific thinking ability. I hope to provide new teaching ideas for other physics experiment teaching and make physics experiment become a good carrier for cultivating students' scientific spirit and improving their inquiry ability.
Scientific thinking, deep learning, physical experiment
Xing Guo, Jonas L. Depaynos. Physics Experiment Teaching Based on Deep Learning. International Journal of New Developments in Education (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 9: 50-54.
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