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Frontiers in Educational Research, 2019, 2(10); doi: 10.25236/FER.2019.021023.

Oaxaca-Blinder Decomposition of Rural Junior Middle School Students` Human Capital


Xing Chen

Corresponding Author:
Xing Chen

Central University of Finance and Economics, China Center for Human Capital and Labor Market Research, 100081, China


I measure the expected human capital of rural junior middle school students in different regions and schools, and use the Oaxaca-Blinder method to analyses the contribution of various factors to the difference. Based on the J-F lifetime income method and the existing data of the “duo-teacher program”, this paper traces and collects the probabilities of junior middle school students` choices of receiving senior high school education, secondary vocational education and no more education. I estimate the return rate of education and work experience using Mincer equation and micro-database of Urban Household Survey (UHS), Chinese Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS), Chinese Household Income Project (CHIP), China Household Finance Survey (CHFS) and China Family Panel Studies (CFPS). Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition results show that local school quality, local labor market and individual characteristics contribute the majority of these human capital differences.


Human Capital; Junior Middle School Education; Secondary Vocational Education; Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition method

Cite This Paper

Xing Chen. Oaxaca-Blinder Decomposition of Rural Junior Middle School Students` Human Capital. Frontiers in Educational Research (2019) Vol. 2 Issue 10: 125-130. https://doi.org/10.25236/FER.2019.021023.


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