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Frontiers in Educational Research, 2019, 2(10); doi: 10.25236/FER.2019.021025.

Research on the Mixed Teaching Path of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Universities under the Background of MOOC


Chen Yue1, Yao Weining2

Corresponding Author:
Chen Yue

1 Southwest Petroleum University College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Chengdu  Sichuan 610500, China
2 Southwest Petroleum University College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Chengdu Sichuan 610500, China


The development of information technology, which is based on internet technology, has changed the production and life style of human beings. Education is also changing now. The blended teaching mode based on MOOC is a example of the application of information technology in education and teaching. This kind of teaching mode combines the MOOC teaching with the traditional teaching. It shows the new features in the aspects of time, flexibility and interest. The ideological and political theory course in colleges and universities is a subject which keeps pace with the times. It is necessary to innovate the teaching methods to meet the needs of the times and college students. On the basis of studying the characteristics of the reform of Ideological and political theory course in Colleges and Universities under the background of MOOC, this paper probes into the ways of mixed teaching development of Ideological and political theory course in Colleges and universities.


MOOC; Ideological and political theory course; Blended teaching mode; Online; Offline

Cite This Paper

Chen Yue, Yao Weining. Research on the Mixed Teaching Path of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Universities under the Background of MOOC. Frontiers in Educational Research (2019) Vol. 2 Issue 10: 137-142. https://doi.org/10.25236/FER.2019.021025.


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