Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, 2023, 6(12); doi: 10.25236/AJHSS.2023.061212.
Li Ding
Business Department, Liaoning Opening University, Shenyang, Liaoning, 110010, China
The development of vocational education in Singapore has always been at the world-leading level. The overall characteristics of vocational education in Singapore include respecting students' interests and personality development and serving students' learning needs. The educators also focus on improving students' learning efficiency and skill, as well as cultivating diversified and compound talents. With years of joint efforts from government, educators and colleges, Singapore's vocational education, represented by five Polytechnics, has made great achievements and set a good example in the field of application and practice of the advanced philosophy and teaching methods. Guided by the student-centred teaching philosophy, Singapore vocational education provides a wealth of student-centered teaching resources, as well as innovates and develops many scientific and advanced teaching methods, including flipped classroom, CDIO teaching method, design thinking, information-based teaching method and small group teaching. And both teaching resources and teaching methods have played an effective and significant role in vocational education. This paper primarily focuses on development and application of student-centered philosophy in the field of teaching resources and teaching methods in Singapore. It also provides good teaching experience and rich teaching ideas for the development of vocational education in the other countries.
Student-centered; Flipping classroom; CDIO; Design thinking; Small group learning; Vocational education
Li Ding. Effects of Student-centered Philosophy on Teaching Resources and Teaching Methods in Vocational Education in Singapore. Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (2023) Vol. 6, Issue 12: 75-83.
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