Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, 2023, 6(12); doi: 10.25236/AJHSS.2023.061220.
Zhu Xinru, Xu Ran, Lai Shuqi
Clothing and Design Faculty, Minjiang University, Fuzhou, China
The article briefly summarizes the application of the Chinese traditional culture elements, clothing detailed analysis of the connotation of the Chinese traditional culture elements and classification, and by the visual construction, cultural expression, reflection and inherit the perspective of the Chinese traditional culture, in the expectation in the application of traditional culture in the clothing in clothing.
Fujian; clothing clothing traditional cultural elements; application and inheritance
Zhu Xinru, Xu Ran, Lai Shuqi. Research on the Application of Chinese Traditional Cultural Elements in Fujian Province. Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (2023) Vol. 6, Issue 12: 125-129.
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