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Frontiers in Educational Research, 2023, 6(13); doi: 10.25236/FER.2023.061315.

IELTS Speaking Teachers' Attitudes towards Oral Corrective Feedback: A Pedagogical Perspective


Yueqian Liu

Corresponding Author:
Yueqian Liu

Faculty of Education, Languages, Psychology & Music, SEGI University, Selangor, 47810, Malaysia


Corrective feedback (CF) refers to a pedagogical technique that provides learners with information about their errors or mistakes and helps correct them. It can take the form of both oral and written feedback. In this study, the main focus is on oral corrective feedback (OCF). Oral corrective feedback (OCF) can enhance the accuracy of oral expression, which is crucial for the IELTS exam. However, incorrect usage might have a negative impact on students. This study investigated the attitudes of IELTS teachers towards the use of OCF from a pedagogical perspective by adopting a qualitative method. Six teachers with varying years of experience in teaching IELTS speaking were interviewed. The findings indicate that OCF is guided by consideration for students' feelings. Teachers generally exhibit positive attitudes towards OCF, although there is a suggestion that they lack systematic training and knowledge on the topic. Therefore, it is important for teacher training programs to incorporate relevant content on OCF.


IELTS speaking, Oral corrective feedback, Attitudes

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Yueqian Liu. IELTS Speaking Teachers' Attitudes towards Oral Corrective Feedback: A Pedagogical Perspective. Frontiers in Educational Research (2023) Vol. 6, Issue 13: 87-91. https://doi.org/10.25236/FER.2023.061315.


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