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Frontiers in Educational Research, 2019, 2(9); doi: 10.25236/FER.2019.020904.

“Eagle Eye”--Application Analysis of Instant Playback System to Tennis Match


Liao pan 1* , Fan Quanyuan2, Ke jinxin1

Corresponding Author:
Liao pan

1Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang Jiangxi, China
2Xuchang University, Xuchang Henan, China
*Corresponding Author


Hawkeye is also called “instant playback system”. Hawkeye-instant playback system is a computer system used in other sports fields, such as tennis and badminton, to display and record the actual trajectory of graphic images and the path of the ball, and to predict the future movement trajectory of tennis. The significance of the “eagle eye” system is to help the judges make accurate and fair decisions by overcoming the defects of human observation ability, such as the limitations of dynamic visual acuity.


Eagle eye; Tennis.

Cite This Paper

Liao pan, Fan Quanyuan, Ke jinxin. “Eagle Eye”--Application Analysis of Instant Playback System to Tennis Match. Frontiers in Educational Research (2019) Vol. 2 Issue 9: 16-22. https://doi.org/10.25236/FER.2019.020904.


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