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Frontiers in Art Research, 2023, 5(9); doi: 10.25236/FAR.2023.050907.

Research on the Cultural and Creative Product Design of Wuliangye Baijiu Culture Museum


Hong Yang, Lingling Liu

Corresponding Author:
Hong Yang

College of Arts, Guilin University of Technology, Guilin, China


China has a long history of baijiu culture. Based on the research status of the Wuliangye baijiu Culture museum, this paper analyzes the relationship between Wuliangye baijiu culture and cultural and creative products and the necessity of developing cultural and creative products, summarizes the material and non-material elements of baijiu culture of Wuliangye Baijiu Culture Expo Center, analyzes the Wuliangye baijiu culture from the perspective of semantic symbol transformation and contextual construction, extracts the elements of brewing raw materials and drinking vessels of Wuliangye culture, and combines the elements of baijiu culture with consumer demands to form cultural and creative designs with Wuliangye baijiu culture characteristics. This paper constructs a graph of the baijiu culture elements of the Wuliangye Baijiu museum, proposes the analysis of baijiu culture symbols and cultural and creative ideas, and provides new ways for the dissemination of baijiu culture. This paper designs cultural and creative products with typical features and connotations of Wuliangye baijiu culture, promotes the application of Wuliangye baijiu culture in cultural and creative design, helps to deepen the public's understanding and recognition of baijiu culture, and spread traditional Chinese baijiu culture.


Wuliangye Baijiu Culture museum, elements of wine culture, cultural and creative design

Cite This Paper

Hong Yang, Lingling Liu. Research on the Cultural and Creative Product Design of Wuliangye Baijiu Culture Museum. Frontiers in Art Research (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 9: 38-43. https://doi.org/10.25236/FAR.2023.050907.


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