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International Journal of New Developments in Education, 2023, 5(13); doi: 10.25236/IJNDE.2023.051309.

Penetration of British and American Culture in English Teaching under the Background of Intelligent Internet of Things


Guofeng Zhao

Corresponding Author:
Guofeng Zhao

School of Humanities and Social Sciences, North University of China, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China


The development of education is getting faster and faster, exchanges between countries are becoming more and more frequent, and personnel interactions are getting closer. Britain and the United States, as established Western capitalist powers, have developed rapidly in economy, technology, and education. Many countries are learning English. In English teaching, British and American cultures inevitably penetrate back into them. This article mainly studies the infiltration of British and American cultures in English teaching. This paper mainly uses the big data analysis method of intelligent Internet of things, and uses survey, interview and statistical technology to analyze and study the culture and language between different nationalities in the United States and Britain. It tries to investigate and analyze the role of language and culture in infiltration; conduct practical investigations on the meaning of English teaching, the significance of cultural infiltration, and the specific manifestations of cultural differences, and collect experimental data. Experimental data show that the study of the penetration of British and American cultures in English teaching not only requires a certain cultural foundation as a background, but also shows the differences in knowledge understanding in teaching due to different cultural backgrounds. Experimental data show that after a thorough understanding of British and American cultures, teaching efficiency in English teaching has increased by 20%, and student satisfaction with English classes has increased by about 35%. Only with a realistic understanding of the differences and unity of British and American cultures can we truly make English teaching smoother.


British and American Culture, English Teaching, Intelligent Internet of Things, Cultural Background

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Guofeng Zhao. Penetration of British and American Culture in English Teaching under the Background of Intelligent Internet of Things. International Journal of New Developments in Education (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 13: 49-58. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJNDE.2023.051309.


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