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Frontiers in Art Research, 2023, 5(9); doi: 10.25236/FAR.2023.050918.

Research on the Communication Path of Huizhou Three Sculptures from the Perspective of New Media


Lu Nannan

Corresponding Author:
Lu Nannan

School of Art, Anhui University of Finance and Economics, Bengbu, Anhui, China


Huizhou three sculptures, a prominent form of ancient Huizhou carving art, flourished during the Ming and Qing dynasties. However, in the present day, Huizhou three sculptures face challenges such as difficulty in finding inheritors, outdated inheritance methods, obsolete content, and lack of public attention. This paper explores the communication path of Huizhou three sculptures by incorporating modern new media technologies to address these challenges. The study examines the environmental challenges for inheritance, shortcomings in the inheritance model, and outdated expressive techniques and content. It further discusses the integration of new media and Huizhou three sculptures, highlighting the potential of virtual digital museums, self-media platforms, and the construction of Huizhou three sculptures' intellectual property. By leveraging these approaches, the communication and promotion of Huizhou three sculptures can be revitalized, leading to its sustained development and inheritance.


Huizhou three sculptures; new media integration; virtual digital museums; self-media platforms; intellectual property

Cite This Paper

Lu Nannan. Research on the Communication Path of Huizhou Three Sculptures from the Perspective of New Media. Frontiers in Art Research (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 9: 108-113. https://doi.org/10.25236/FAR.2023.050918.


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