Frontiers in Art Research, 2019, 1(5); doi: 10.25236/FAR.2019.010502.
Sun Fei
Xi'an Innovation College Yan'an University, China
By practicing the exploration and application of PBL teaching mode in art classroom, based on the experience of classroom teaching reform in overseas universities, the new teaching mode and traditional teaching mode are compared and analyzed, which promotes the cognitive structure of learners. The transformation, from Informational Learning to Conformational Learning, goes further to Transformational Learning. At the same time, it expounds the “active classroom” as the core concept of classroom reform and the corresponding teaching methods and means innovation, explores the effective classroom teaching mode based on “PBL”, improves the quality of classroom teaching, and provides positive promotion for cultivating innovative applied talents.
PBL; Teaching Reform; Art Classroom
Sun Fei. Research and Practice on the Reform of College Art Classroom Teaching Based on “PBL”. Frontiers in Art Research (2019) Vol. 1 Issue 5: 11-18.
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