Frontiers in Art Research, 2019, 1(5); doi: 10.25236/FAR.2019.010510.
Shen Cuiyitian
Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA, 94104
Steele is one of the most successful and outstanding landscape designers in contemporary America. He has a great influence on the development of landscape design. Steele's success has also benefited in part from his unique perspective in developing relationships with customers. He stressed the importance of integrating all elements in garden design, including vegetation, the building itself, and the preferences of people who use premises later.
Modern landscape; Landscape design; Art.
Wei Zhang. Modern landscape design style of Fletcher Steele. Frontiers in Art Research (2019) Vol. 1 Issue 5: 54-60.
[1] Karson, Robin S. Fletcher Steele (2003). Landscape Architect: an Account of the Gardenmaker's Life, 1885-1971. Library of American Landscape History.
[2] Treib, Marc (1993). Axioms for a modern landscape architecture. Modern Landscape Architecture: A Critical Review 47.
[3] Steele, Fletcher (1964). Gardens and People. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company; Cambridge: The Riverside Press.