Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, 2023, 6(14); doi: 10.25236/AJHSS.2023.061410.
Chen Yu
Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang, 550001, Guizhou, China
Anyone who travels from one country to another one may be confused and perplexed or even will experience overwhelmed fluctuations, which is called cultural shock. For anyone who works or lives abroad, this cultural shock is an inevitable and a normal phenomenon.[1] Cultural shock is not a mental illness, but a natural, or an uncomfortable response to a new environment. With the rapid development of the times and the explosion of information, people's understanding of other countries and cultures has also risen to a new level. Correspondingly, with the advancement of science and technology, the way of people's communication has gradually shifted from traditional communication to the current form of digital communication. For example, in the past, people often communicated face-to-face, but now people mainly communicate by digital modes, such as We Chat and QQ. In addition, there are more and more channels for people to retrieve information. In the past, people used to retrieve information mostly by reading books and newspapers, but now the developed network enables people to search and get the information they want easily and quickly. And big data will also recommend relevant information for users according to personal preferences. With the development of digital networks and the popularization of digital communication, the number of netizens has also exploded. In recent years, two kinds of people became popular in the network society, one is those people who are sociable, and the other is those people who are afraid to communicate with people. This article will take the cross-cultural innovation--digital communication as the background to analyze how this phenomenon exerts influences on the virtual life of those who are good at socializing with others and those who are afraid of doing so in real life.[2] This article will analyze the following parts: who are those people good at socializing and who are the ones bad at it ; the reasons why the era of digital communication came; the "freedom of speech" brought by social applications in the era of digital communication; the speech platforms the digital communication provided; the job opportunities provided by the era of digital communication; the impact of the era of digital communication on social anxiety in real life; the impact of the era of digital communication on social anxiety in online life; and a summary of this research.
digital communication; sociable people; social phobia; influence
Chen Yu. The Analysis of Digital Innovation in Cross-Cultural Communication and its Influences on Sociable and Unsociable People. Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (2023) Vol. 6, Issue 14: 55-62.
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