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Frontiers in Art Research, 2023, 5(10); doi: 10.25236/FAR.2023.051011.

Word by word and phrase by phrase: the re-creation of the text of a work of art in recitation


Xu Jiaqi

Corresponding Author:
Xu Jiaqi

School of Theater, Film and Television, Jilin University of the Arts, Changchun, China


The text of the recitation art work is the root and soul of the literary recitation work, and the re-creation of the text plays a vital role in the presentation of the recitation art work. The process of recitation text re-creation should be synchronized with the times, and more importantly, it should promote cultural development, facilitate cultural exchanges, enrich artistic connotation and reproduce historical classics. The re-creation of the text should be grasped from multiple perspectives, and the re-creation of the text should be responsive to the dissemination of the times and conducive to the expression of the creator's articulated language. Creators should also grasp the text comprehensively and deeply and understand the text with heart and soul, so that the text of the recitation art work has the degree of regularity, rhythmic beauty and textual infectivity, thus making the whole work expressive, artistic and communicative.


reinvention; Recitation of texts; work of art

Cite This Paper

Xu Jiaqi. Word by word and phrase by phrase: the re-creation of the text of a work of art in recitation. Frontiers in Art Research (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 10: 63-67. https://doi.org/10.25236/FAR.2023.051011.


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