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Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2023, 5(18); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.2023.051810.

An Analysis of the Relationship between Annual Carbon Emissions and Economic Growth in Canada


Wang Qingren

Corresponding Author:
Wang Qingren

Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Economics, University of Southampton, Southampton, England


With the continuous development of the global economy, climate change has emerged as a worldwide threat, primarily attributed to the annual increase in carbon emissions. Focusing on time-series data from a specific period in Canada, this study unveils the relationship between Canada's carbon emissions and GDP. Both simple linear regression and multiple linear regression models indicate a significant positive correlation between carbon emissions and GDP growth, suggesting that in the pursuit of development, Canada tends to emit more carbon. The research findings indicate that developed countries, while pursuing their own economic and societal advancement, need to focus on their carbon emissions and strive to achieve "carbon neutrality" in order to address the global threat of climate change.


Carbon emissions; Economic growth; Canada

Cite This Paper

Wang Qingren. An Analysis of the Relationship between Annual Carbon Emissions and Economic Growth in Canada. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 18: 59-67. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJBM.2023.051810.


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