Frontiers in Medical Science Research, 2023, 5(9); doi: 10.25236/FMSR.2023.050904.
Wei Ding, Dan Chen
Department of Rehabilitation, Sir Run Run Hospital, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210000, China
Dysphagia is a prevalent complication in stroke patients, significantly impacting their quality of life and overall health outcomes. This research aimed to investigate the effectiveness of nursing interventions grounded in the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) framework in ameliorating dysphagia among stroke patients. A randomized controlled trial was employed, and stroke patients with dysphagia were recruited from Sir Run Run hospital. The control group was treated with general swallowing-related rehabilitation. The intervention group, formulated in accordance with the ICF framework and built upon the foundation of the control group, entailed a comprehensive evaluation process and personalized care strategies tailored to address dysphagia management. 80 stroke patients were enrolled in the study. After 4 weeks or 8 weeks, the intervention group based on the ICF framework led to a statistically significant improvement in Water Swallow Test (WST) scores (P<0.05) and Standardized Swallowing Assessment (SSA) scores (P<0.05). Nursing interventions aligned with the ICF framework have demonstrated efficacy in ameliorating dysphagia among stroke patients. The implementation of comprehensive assessments and tailored care plans based on the ICF approach can be a valuable strategy to enhance dysphagia management and overall patient outcomes in the stroke population.
nursing intervention, International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF), dysphagia, stroke
Wei Ding, Dan Chen. Effectiveness of Nursing Intervention Based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health for Improving Dysphagia in Stroke Patients. Frontiers in Medical Science Research (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 9: 18-23.
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