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International Journal of New Developments in Education, 2023, 5(19); doi: 10.25236/IJNDE.2023.051909.

The Implementation Path of Internal Management System Modernization in Higher Vocational Colleges


Xue Zhang, Warren Galas Moyao

Corresponding Author:
Xue Zhang

University of Baguio, Baguio City, The Philippines


The modernization of internal governance is the only way for the high quality development of higher vocational colleges. In order to effectively grasp the implementation of the modernization of the internal management system in higher vocational colleges, a total of 2927 questionnaires were sent through the questionnaire survey method, 2927 questionnaires were recovered, of which 2919 were valid, with a recovery rate of 100% and an effective rate of 99.73%. The core content of the research is 48 items in 6 major aspects, including internal governance modernization, the three most serious problems, the implementation of the power of students and student congresses, the construction of the charter of higher vocational colleges, the construction and operation of mechanisms, and the quality of talent training. It is found that the results are remarkable in the aspects of system construction, type development, promoting students' comprehensive and free development, caring for students, etc. There are also prominent problems such as the insufficient status of diversified governance subjects, the weak democratic governance, and the contradiction between administrative power and academic power. In this regard, we need to establish the governance concept, construct a flat, orderly and benign governance organization; Strengthen the construction of "rule of law" and implement the implementation of various systems with the constitution as the core; Balance administrative power and academic power, form the academic committee as the core of the professor's academic operation mechanism, three main ways to solve the main problems in a fundamental and systematic way.


internal management system; modernization; implementation path; vocational college; internal governance

Cite This Paper

Xue Zhang, Warren Galas Moyao. The Implementation Path of Internal Management System Modernization in Higher Vocational Colleges. International Journal of New Developments in Education (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 19: 55-63. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJNDE.2023.051909.


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