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International Journal of New Developments in Education, 2023, 5(19); doi: 10.25236/IJNDE.2023.051922.

Note-taking Practices, Challenges and Strategies: Their Effects on EFL Chinese Students’ Listening Comprehension


Wei Sun

Corresponding Author:
Wei Sun

Anhui Xinhua University, Hefei, Anhui, China


This dissertation examines the relationship between note-taking practices, challenges, and strategies, and their impact on the listening comprehension of Chinese students studying English as a foreign language (EFL). The objectives are to determine participant profiles, describe note-taking practices, identify challenges, analyze strategies, explore differences based on participant profiles, establish relationships between note-taking factors, and propose enhanced practices and strategies. Data was collected through surveys and interviews to understand participant demographics and note-taking practices. Variations in practices and listening comprehension were explored among different groups of EFL Chinese students. The study describes existing note-taking patterns, including functions, starting points, information captured, and challenges faced. Challenges encountered during note-taking were investigated, considering language proficiency, listening skills, cognitive load, and attention span. The study also analyzed employed note-taking strategies, including perception, effectiveness, and specific skills. Analysis of the data revealed variations in note-taking techniques based on gender and age. Unique challenges included linguistic barriers, cultural differences, and individual learning preferences. Relationships between note-taking practices, challenges, and strategies were established, highlighting their impact on listening comprehension. Based on the findings, enhanced note-taking practices and strategies were proposed, covering note organization, abbreviation methods, active listening, and technology integration. This research provides insights into the complex relationship between note-taking practices, challenges, and strategies, and their influence on EFL Chinese students' listening comprehension. The proposed recommendations offer practical implications for educators and learners, enabling the development of effective note-taking techniques tailored for Chinese students studying English as a foreign language.


Note-taking Practices, Challenges, Strategies, Listening Comprehension, EFL Chinese Students

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Wei Sun. Note-taking Practices, Challenges and Strategies: Their Effects on EFL Chinese Students’ Listening Comprehension. International Journal of New Developments in Education (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 19: 136-144. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJNDE.2023.051922.


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