International Journal of New Developments in Education, 2023, 5(19); doi: 10.25236/IJNDE.2023.051923.
Kun Zhang1,2
1College of Education, Arts and Sciences, Lyceum of the Philippines University–Batangas, Capital Site, Batangas, 4200, Philippines
2Anhui Sanlian University, Hefei, Anhui, 230601, China
For a long time, scholars and teachers consider monolingualism conducive in language teaching. However, the emergence of translanguaging theory broke the rampart between languages and turned out to be beneficial for language teaching and learning. This study investigates students’ attitude towards teachers’ translanguaging practices in EFL class in China so as to prove its effectiveness by employing quantitative and descriptive methods. Through questionnaire, the researcher collected data, calculated and analyzed them by SPSS 27.0. The results suggested that students were positive about teachers’ translanguaging practices in terms of content-oriented purposes, classroom-oriented purposes, and student-oriented purposes.
Translanguaging, Students' Attitude, English Teaching, English Class
Kun Zhang. An Investigation into Students’ Attitude towards Teachers’ Translanguaging Practices in English Class in China. International Journal of New Developments in Education (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 19: 145-151.
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