International Journal of New Developments in Education, 2023, 5(21); doi: 10.25236/IJNDE.2023.052105.
Wei Zhao
Emilio Aguinaldo College, Manila, Philippines
The organizational commitment of teachers has a positive impact on teaching effectiveness to a certain extent. Understanding the relationship between organizational commitment and teaching effectiveness can help optimize teachers' work environment and support system, thereby improving teaching quality. This article found a positive relationship between teachers' organizational commitment and teaching effectiveness through research. Teachers with high organizational commitment are more likely to demonstrate higher teaching outcomes, including students' academic performance and satisfaction. In addition, the personal characteristics of teachers (such as work experience, educational background, teaching experience, etc.) and work environment factors (such as leadership support, interpersonal relationships, etc.) may play a moderating role in the relationship between organizational commitment and teaching effectiveness.
teacher organizational commitment, teaching effectiveness, teacher satisfaction
Wei Zhao. Comprehensive Study on the Impact of Teachers' Organizational Commitment on Teaching Effectiveness. International Journal of New Developments in Education (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 21: 23-29.
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