Academic Journal of Environment & Earth Science, 2023, 5(9); doi: 10.25236/AJEE.2023.050908.
Jinyang Wang1,2, Tianzhen Ju1,2, Bingnan Li3, Shuai Peng1,2, Shengtong Lei1,2
1College of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou, Gansu, 730070, China
2The Key Laboratory of Resource Environment and Sustainable Development of Oasis, Lanzhou, 730000, China
3Faculty of Atmospheric Remote Sensing, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an, 710062, China
This study used the daily product data of atmospheric tropospheric column ozone concentration collected by Aura Satellite Ozone Monitor (OMI). Image-based spatial analysis, theta-slope trend index, Hurst index and Pearson correlation analysis were used to evaluate the ozone pollution status in the Horqin Grassland region.It was found that the column ozone concentrations showed an overall increasing distribution from west to east, with the lowest concentration in 2014 and the highest in 2019. The Slope Trend Index and the Hurst Index showed that the concentration values are slightly increasing and may increase with the region's future development. The study of factors affecting ozone concentration found that precipitable water and temperature have a more significant effect on ozone.
Tropospheric ozone; OMI; Slope; Hurst index; Horqin grasslands region
Jinyang Wang, Tianzhen Ju, Bingnan Li, Shuai Peng, Shengtong Lei. Characteristics of Tropospheric Ozone Pollution and Analysis of the Influencing Factors in the Horqin Grassland. Academic Journal of Environment & Earth Science (2023) Vol. 5 Issue 9: 62-69.
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