International Journal of New Developments in Education, 2023, 5(23); doi: 10.25236/IJNDE.2023.052307.
Yu Xuelian
Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, China
In line with the progress and development of the times, educational informatization has become an inevitable trend in the development of education in the new era. Information technology has an immeasurable impact on China's current education development. Tsinghua University has launched an online teaching tool called "Rain Classroom", which has turned mobile phones into a learning tool for students, giving new experiences to the three stages before, during, and after class. The author conducted a questionnaire survey on the learning satisfaction evaluation of 155 students in the School of Physical Education of Sichuan Normal University from 2018 to 2021 who had used the "Rain Classroom" smart teaching platform for social sports. It was found that the overall satisfaction of students in social sports towards Rain Classroom is relatively satisfactory. As a new teaching model, blended learning based on rain classroom support has many innovations, but it also has some problems. The author analyzed the teaching advantages of the Rain Classroom smart platform and various factors that affect students' learning satisfaction through the literature collected in the early stage and the survey results in the later stage. Based on the influencing factors, the author proposed suggestions to enhance students' satisfaction from different aspects, maximizing the advantages of the Rain Classroom smart platform in the teaching process, improving the construction of the "Rain Classroom" smart platform, and improving the teaching quality of online courses in schools, to contribute to the development of educational informatization in China.
offline teaching, online teaching, rain classroom, blended learning
Yu Xuelian. A Survey of Student Satisfaction in Blended Teaching Based on "Rain Classroom". International Journal of New Developments in Education (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 23: 39-44.
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