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International Journal of New Developments in Education, 2023, 5(24); doi: 10.25236/IJNDE.2023.052421.

Reflections on the Reform of Engineering Mechanics Teaching in Higher Education Based on Virtual Simulation Technology


Nan Wei, Tao Song, Fei Luo

Corresponding Author:
Nan Wei

College of Mechanical and Architectural Engineering, Taishan University, Tai’an, Shandong, China


The implementation of virtual simulation technology has significantly impacted the reform of engineering mechanics teaching in higher education. This paper explores the application of virtual simulation technology in engineering mechanics teaching and proposes corresponding reform ideas. Virtual simulation technology provides students with a safe and interactive learning environment, expands teaching content and methods, and encourages exploration and practice. Through virtual simulation platforms, students can engage in designing, operating, and analyzing mechanical experiments without concerns about safety risks or resource limitations. This teaching approach enhances practical skills, fosters innovative thinking, and improves problem-solving abilities. Additionally, virtual simulation technology offers teachers more teaching resources and support, enabling the selection of suitable software and platforms and the design of simulation tasks aligned with teaching objectives. Guided by teachers, students can conduct experimental operations and analyze data in a virtual environment, enhancing their understanding and application of engineering mechanics principles and concepts. However, challenges exist, such as experiential differences between virtual and real experiments and the high costs and technological complexities associated with virtual simulation technology. Despite these challenges, the combination of virtual simulation technology and engineering mechanics teaching in higher education provides students with an interactive and safe learning environment, enriches teaching content and methods, and cultivates practical skills and innovative thinking. Effective integration of virtual simulation technology requires careful consideration of its advantages and limitations, adoption of appropriate teaching models and evaluation mechanisms, and continuous improvement of its application in engineering mechanics teaching. This perspective offers new ideas and approaches for the reform and advancement of engineering mechanics teaching in higher education.


virtual simulation technology, higher education engineering mechanics teaching, teaching reform, cultivation of practical skills

Cite This Paper

Nan Wei, Tao Song, Fei Luo. Reflections on the Reform of Engineering Mechanics Teaching in Higher Education Based on Virtual Simulation Technology. International Journal of New Developments in Education (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 24: 131-136. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJNDE.2023.052421.


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