Frontiers in Art Research, 2023, 5(17); doi: 10.25236/FAR.2023.051708.
Chang Cheng
College of Music, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, China
Art song is a unique musical genre that first appeared in Europe in the early 19th century. After the May Fourth Movement, art songs were introduced to China from Europe and were supported by many musicians. Under the promotion and development of these masters, art songs soon flourished in China. Art songs have developed so far, and many excellent works have emerged. As the first Chinese art song, "Great River Goes East" is of great significance to the study of the art song genre. This paper explores the artistic conception and connotation of "The Great River Goes East" through a brief appreciation of the background, lyrics and characteristics of the song.
Art songs; Aesthetic characteristics; Artistic conception; Affective characteristics
Chang Cheng. An analysis of the aesthetic characteristics of the art song "Great River Goes East". Frontiers in Art Research (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 17: 42-46.
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