International Journal of New Developments in Education, 2023, 5(25); doi: 10.25236/IJNDE.2023.052510.
Lu Yibin
School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming, China
In the wake of economic globalization and the burgeoning information age, the societal requisites for talent have undergone profound shifts. This era demands the nurturing of intellectual talents, encompassing innovation, critical analysis, and proficiency in cross-cultural communication skills. Consequently, the concept of intelligent education has crystallized, aspiring to foster an ethos of intelligent learning coupled with novel pedagogical approaches. This paradigm shift aligns with the challenges of contemporary talent development. As we delve into the digital era, the educational landscape is increasingly leaning towards digitalization and intelligent methodologies, especially in language education. The evolving educational curriculum standards have heightened the expectations for students’ mastery in foreign language communication and holistic language application. Digital wisdom teaching emerges as a pioneering pedagogical approach, enticing educators and learners alike with its attributes of accessibility, ubiquity, and customization. This approach has revolutionized the paradigm of supplemental reading, albeit with its own set of challenges, including the abundance and variety of resources that sometimes result in clutter and a lack of structured guidance. This paper explores the implementation of the cross-cultural English reading community and the virtual reality-based English reading lesson. These innovative models not only offer a more immersive and interactive English learning experience but also foster the development of critical thinking, collaborative ethos, and cross-cultural communication competencies. These acquired skills and experiences are poised to be invaluable assets in the students’ academic and professional track, equipping them to adeptly navigate the rapidly evolving societal and workplace demands.
Digital learning; Intelligent reading; Informatization; English teaching
Lu Yibin. Intelligent Reading Model in Digital English Classroom: Promoting Reading Ability and Innovating Educational Technology. International Journal of New Developments in Education (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 25: 51-57.
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