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Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science, 2020, 3(1); doi: 10.25236/AJCIS.2020.030104.

Research on Solving Assignment Problem Based on Linear Programming Modeling


Zijun Zhang

Corresponding Author:
Zijun Zhang

Shanghai Guanghua Cambridge International School, Shanghai 201315, China;
[email protected]


The optimal allocation of resources plays an important role in improving the competitiveness of modern enterprises, but the unbalanced and uncoordinated allocation of resources still restricts the realization of the ideal state of production activities. The research of assignment problem can improve the product design and production efficiency of enterprises. In this paper, through linear programming modeling, basic transformation of matrix and Hungarian algorithm, the optimal assignment method was obtained. It provided the basis for further programming. Then, taking the time arrangement of Chinese manual translation as a basic example, the results showed that using the model and solving has a good effect, and could make the most reasonable allocation in a short time. Based on the traditional Hungarian method, this paper improved the solution of the maximum assignment problem, which makes the solution more direct. It is also of great practical significance to study the solution of optimization assignment problem to improve the efficiency of completing tasks.


Assignment problem, linear programming, matrix transformation, optimal method

Cite This Paper

Zijun Zhang. Research on Solving Assignment Problem Based on Linear Programming Modeling. Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science (2020), Vol. 3, Issue 1: 34-38. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJCIS.2020.030104.


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