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International Journal of Frontiers in Engineering Technology, 2023, 5(12); doi: 10.25236/IJFET.2023.051213.

Research on heliostat field design based on multi constraint particle swarm optimization algorithm


Ang Gao1, Xiangru Yan2, Jiayi Hu3

Corresponding Author:
Ang Gao

1School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Shandong University of Technology, Shandong, Zibo, 255000, China

2School of Mathematics and Statistics, Shandong University of Technology, Shandong, Zibo, 255000, China

3School of Transportation and Vehicle Engineering, Shandong University of Technology, Shandong, Zibo, 255000, China


In the context of global new energy development and low-carbon economy, optoelectronics is expected to become the dominant energy source in China's future. Among them, tower solar thermal power generation technology that utilizes heliostat field light harvesting and photothermal conversion is the focus of development, but how to improve its power generation efficiency is urgent. Therefore,the paper studied how to reasonably configure the heliostat field, adjust the size, quantity, relative position, and parameters of the receiving tower, and fully utilize solar energy resources to maximize solar radiation energy. The paper propose a mirror field layout design based on multi constraint particle swarm optimization algorithm, and conduct specific research on its initial design, efficiency calculation, and layout optimization. The paper first established the three-dimensional coordinates of the heliostat based on formulas such as solar altitude angle, solar azimuth angle, and DNI, calculated the position and optical path tracking of the sun and heliostat to obtain the efficiency of the heliostat, and then calculated the thermal power output of the mirror field. The obtained results provide the basic data for the next step of analysis.


Multivariate analysis, Three-dimensional coordinate system, Heliostat position

Cite This Paper

Ang Gao, Xiangru Yan, Jiayi Hu. Research on heliostat field design based on multi constraint particle swarm optimization algorithm. International Journal of Frontiers in Engineering Technology (2023), Vol. 5, Issue 12: 80-87. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJFET.2023.051213.


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