Academic Journal of Materials & Chemistry, 2024, 5(1); doi: 10.25236/AJMC.2024.050103.
Meiling Wang1, Yongjuan Yang1, Haiyan Fu2, Chao Sun2
1Institute of Chemistry and Chemical, Taishan College, Tai’an, China
2Weihai Chengjing Technology Co., Ltd, Weihai, China
This study aims to analyze the applications of polymer materials in adhesives and explore their impact on adhesive performance. Polymer materials have found widespread use in various industrial and research fields, but their potential in adhesives remains significant. To achieve this objective, we first review the fundamental concepts of polymer materials and adhesives, outlining their classifications and properties. Next, we delve into various application cases of polymer materials in adhesives, including coating, bonding, and sealing in different areas. Through experimentation and data analysis, we assess the influence of different types of polymer materials on adhesive performance, encompassing changes in viscosity, adhesion properties, and durability. The research findings indicate that the selection and quantity of polymer materials significantly affect adhesive performance and can be adjusted based on specific application requirements. Lastly, we discuss the limitations of this study and propose future research directions to further explore the potential applications of polymer materials in the adhesive field. This study provides valuable insights for understanding and optimizing the use of polymer materials in adhesives, offering important reference value for practitioners in industrial and research sectors.
Polymer materials,adhesion properties, performance evaluation, experimental research
Meiling Wang, Yongjuan Yang, Haiyan Fu, Chao Sun. Analysis of Polymer Materials in Adhesive Applications. Academic Journal of Materials & Chemistry (2024) Vol. 5, Issue 1: 12-17.
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