Academic Journal of Materials & Chemistry, 2024, 5(1); doi: 10.25236/AJMC.2024.050107.
Dong Lin, Chen Qian
College of Chemical Engineering, University of Science and Technology Liaoning, Anshan, 114000, China
A kind of blue fluorescent carbon dots (B-CDs) was synthesized by hydrothermal synthesis using chitosan as carbon source, boric acid as dopant reagent and water as solvent. The spherical carbon dots with an average particle size of 1.84 nm and lattice spacing of 0.21 nm were characterized by HRTEM and XRD. Boron was successfully doped into B-CDs by FTIR and XPS analysis. Based on the dynamic quenching and photoinduced electron transfer mechanism, the sensitive detection of Hg2+ was realized. The linear detection range was 0-67 μM, and the detection limit was 0.233 μM. The carbon point was applied to the detection of water samples and cosmetics samples with recoveries of 98.6-102.1% and 95.6-103.2%, respectively.
Carbon point; Fluorescence detection; Quenching mechanism
Dong Lin, Chen Qian. Preparation of boron doped fluorescent carbon dots and detection. Academic Journal of Materials & Chemistry (2024) Vol. 5, Issue 1: 38-42.
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