Academic Journal of Environment & Earth Science, 2024, 6(2); doi: 10.25236/AJEE.2024.060204.
Wenyu Sun, Cong Ren, Feifei Wang, Mingshuo Xia, Yunqing Wang, Qingyu Shang
Dongying Vocational Institute, Dongying City, Shandong Province, China
The traditional oil chemical process of waste plastics has the problems of low oil quality, low efficiency and low yield. After investigation, the following technical pain points exist in the industry: intermittent process lacks pretreatment process, impurities account for more than 25%, low oil quality; coking, wax and toxic gas pollution during cracking process.The co-solution synergy experiment of low-grade coal and plastic was carried out by using the integrated annular reactor device and adding acid titanium catalyst, which overcame the problems of high oiled coke wax rate, low oil yield and poor low temperature effect of waste plastics.
Integrated ring reaction kettle, Co-pyrolysis, Acid titanium catalyst, Traditional waste plastic oil chemical process
Wenyu Sun, Cong Ren, Feifei Wang, Mingshuo Xia, Yunqing Wang, Qingyu Shang. Study on thermal cracking of waste PE plastics. Academic Journal of Environment & Earth Science (2024), Vol. 6, Issue 2: 25-29.
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