International Journal of New Developments in Education, 2024, 6(3); doi: 10.25236/IJNDE.2024.060339.
Cao Yingdong, Feng Yaru, Li Huan, Hou Rui
School of Medicine, Sias University, Xinzheng, Henan, 451100, China
In the curriculum system of higher vocational nursing specialty, the basic training teaching of basic nursing courses is particularly important. Therefore, in order to improve the practical operation level of nursing students, a research on the innovation of practical training teaching of nursing professional courses under the discipline perspective is proposed. Firstly, the specific content of the practical training course of Basic Nursing and the objectives of the course are analyzed, and then the CDIO teaching mode under the disciplinary perspective is explained. The significance of the practical training teaching innovation of nursing courses under the disciplinary perspective is described in terms of the diversified combination of teaching methods and the effective improvement of teachers' teaching ability. Finally, specific innovative paths are proposed, including creating a situational teaching atmosphere, creating a task-oriented practical training classroom, and reforming practical training evaluation indexes. It is unfolded in improving the effect of practical training teaching in nursing and improving the operational skill level of nursing students.
disciplinary perspectives; nursing program; practical training; pedagogical innovations
Cao Yingdong, Feng Yaru, Li Huan, Hou Rui. Research on the Innovation of Practical Training Teaching in Nursing Programs under the Perspective of Disciplines. International Journal of New Developments in Education (2024), Vol. 6, Issue 3: 229-235.
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