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Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science, 2024, 7(2); doi: 10.25236/AJETS.2024.070223.

Digital Twin Technology of Metaverse Based on Game Engine in the Campus Application Scenarios


Min Wang, Jing Tong, Haoting Lu

Corresponding Author:
Min Wang

Information School, Beijing City University, Beijing, China


With the rapid development of industrial information technology and intelligence, the digital twin technologyofthe metaverse has been widely applied in various fields. This article focuses on the application of metaverse digital twin technology in campus scenarios, combining game engine technology and metaverse concepts to develop a metaverse digital twin system suitable for campuses. The definition of the concept of the metaverse, the application of digital twin technology in metaverse technology, and the role of game engines in it are explored. By analyzing the application scenarios of campus themes, it aims to provide the advanced management tools, the innovative teaching methods and the efficient campus services for the campus environment. Ultimately, it will discuss the technological advantages and potential challenges, which can provide guidance for the future research and practical applications.


Metaverse; Digital twin; Game engine; Campus application

Cite This Paper

Min Wang, Jing Tong, Haoting Lu. Digital Twin Technology of Metaverse Based on Game Engine in the Campus Application Scenarios. Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science (2024) Vol. 7, Issue 2: 157-163. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJETS.2024.070223.


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