Academic Journal of Materials & Chemistry, 2024, 5(1); doi: 10.25236/AJMC.2024.050110.
Wenmei Gu, Tianwei Li, Rui Zha, Jincheng Zhou
School of Material Science and Engineering, Shenyang Architecture University, Shenyang, 110168, China
TiO2 was used as the basis of Electron Transport Layers (ETLs), and the interface modification of ETLs was carried out using sixteen alkyl three methyl bromide (C16H33(CH3)3NBr,CTAB), which plays the roles of filling pores and passivating surface defects. The effects of the doping concentration of 0.005 mol/L, 0.010mol/L, and 0.015mol/L CTAB solution on the device efficiency were investigated separately, and the mechanism of the effects of different concentrations was explored. The surface morphology and the photoelectric properties of the samples were systematically investigated by SEM, EIS, J-V, and transmittance tests.
perovskite solar cell; electron transport layer; CTAB; interface modification
Wenmei Gu, Tianwei Li, Rui Zha, Jincheng Zhou. Effect of Interface Modification on the Performances of TiO2-based Perovskite Solar Cells. Academic Journal of Materials & Chemistry (2024) Vol. 5, Issue 1: 55-61.
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