Frontiers in Educational Research, 2024, 7(4); doi: 10.25236/FER.2024.070428.
Jianhua Wu, Ying Zhang, Mengjie Wang
School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Jinan, Jinan, China
The ethics and style of university teachers belong to the category of moral ethics in terms of connotation, and it has general characteristics of psychological concealment and dynamic evolution. This generalized characteristic determines that when evaluating the ethics and style of university teachers, a summary evaluation mechanism is difficult to achieve the expected effect, and to some extent, it also leads to the phenomenon of form being greater than content in the practice of university teacher ethics and style construction, and the fact that the evaluation of teacher ethics and style is marginalized. Through questionnaire surveys and interviews with students and teachers from local universities in Jinan, and statistical analysis of survey data, it was found that the existing mechanism for evaluating teacher ethics and conduct lacks motivation, warning, professional ethics training, and the construction of evaluation systems is not sound. In response to these prominent issues in the construction of teacher ethics and conduct, this article proposes a concept of a comprehensive, warning based, long-term supervision and evaluation mechanism based on developmental evaluation theory, which includes teacher selection, pre job training, daily teaching, and on-the-job supervision.
Local universities; Construction of professional ethics and conduct; Developmental evaluation theory; Whole process evaluation
Jianhua Wu, Ying Zhang, Mengjie Wang. Research on the Whole Process Evaluation of Teachers’ Ethics and Style Based on Developmental Evaluation Theory. Frontiers in Educational Research (2024) Vol. 7, Issue 4: 167-171.
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