Academic Journal of Environment & Earth Science, 2024, 6(3); doi: 10.25236/AJEE.2024.060301.
Yiling Yang1,2, Kangning Xiong1,2, Jie Xiao1,2, Yunting Huang1,2
1School of Karst Science, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang, 550001, China
2State Engineering Technology Institute for Karst Desertification Control, Guiyang, 550001, China
This study assesses the ecosystem services of agroforestry in karst regions affected by desertification, highlighting its potential for ecological restoration and sustainable management. Agroforestry systems significantly enhance soil stability, water management, and carbon sequestration, thereby contributing to ecological health and helping mitigate the adverse effects of desertification. The research was conducted across various karst areas in southern China, delineated into zones based on degradation severity. The methodology involved quantifying key ecosystem service indicators such as biomass, net primary productivity, carbon storage, and soil quality through innovative models adapted to local environmental conditions. Results indicate that agroforestry systems not only improve provisioning and regulating services inversely related to degradation levels but also offer substantial cultural benefits by enhancing ecological perception and aesthetics through diverse vegetation and topography. Specifically, areas with intense agroforestry interventions showed higher biomass and carbon storage compared to less managed zones. Furthermore, the cultural services provided by these ecosystems, like enhanced ecological perception through improved landscape aesthetics and increased accessibility, underscore their integral role in local ecological and human communities. By integrating ecological and economic strategies, agroforestry in karst regions fosters a sustainable interaction between human activities and natural habitats, supporting both conservation efforts and local livelihoods. The findings advocate for expanded agroforestry practices as a key component of land management policies aimed at ecological restoration and sustainable development in degraded landscapes.
Agroforestry, Ecosystem services, Supply, Regulation, Cultural
Yiling Yang, Kangning Xiong, Jie Xiao, Yunting Huang. Quantification of Agroforestry Ecosystem Services in Karst Desertification Control. Academic Journal of Environment & Earth Science (2024), Vol. 6, Issue 3: 1-9.
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