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Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, 2024, 7(4); doi: 10.25236/AJHSS.2024.070439.

Critical reflection on digital labor of network anchor: Specialized division of labour networks and atomization of labor


Fan Yiqi

Corresponding Author:
Fan Yiqi

School of Fashion Communication, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, Beijing, 100105, China


Through the innovative medium of live broadcasting with goods, which acts as a technological bridge, the constraints of "face-to-face interaction under material and historical limitations" are shattered, giving rise to a post-working society. Within the realm of live broadcasting with goods, there exist three distinct roles that contribute to a cooperative network: the practitioners of live broadcasting, the supply chain participants, and the media companies. These roles not only rely on interdependent relationships within the group to engage in platform practices, but also provide professional social support to one another. Consequently, the digital labor scene exhibits a coexistence of bottom-up circular flows and top-down hierarchical patterns among various industry labor groups. Notably, network anchors' differential access to network resources on short video platforms influences the pace of capital accumulation and determines the positions they occupy within the cyberspace. However, this digital platform also gives rise to a series of challenges pertaining to production relations and inequality, ultimately leading to the atomization of digital labor.


network anchor; Live broadcast with goods; Digital labor; Post-working society; Platform Economics

Cite This Paper

Fan Yiqi. Critical reflection on digital labor of network anchor: Specialized division of labour networks and atomization of labor. Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (2024) Vol. 7, Issue 4: 246-255. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJHSS.2024.070439.


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