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Frontiers in Educational Research, 2020, 3(1); doi: 10.25236/FER.2020.030111.

Western Local Culture and Education Development of China in the History


Li Rui

Corresponding Author:
Li Rui

Yunnan Open University, Kunming 650223, China


The concept of the mid-west development proposed by the Chinese government has striking similarities compared with the history of the west development since the United States announced independence. The western part of China has higher mountains and generations of ethnic minorities; the western part of the United States is the birthplace of rough cowboy culture. There are magnificent Sierra Nevada Mountains in the western part of the United States, and the Qinghai Tibet Plateau in the western part of China. In terms of resources, Western China has more exploitable projects than the western United States. But in terms of standard of living, why is the western part of China at least fifty years behind the western part of the United States? This is a question worthy of consideration by Chinese people.


China; History; Western development

Cite This Paper

Li Rui. Western Local Culture and Education Development of China in the History. Frontiers in Educational Research (2020) Vol. 3 Issue 1: 77-81. https://doi.org/10.25236/FER.2020.030111.


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