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International Journal of New Developments in Education, 2024, 6(5); doi: 10.25236/IJNDE.2024.060513.

Meta-Analysis on the Psychological Resilience of Basic Education Teachers in China


Chen Chen, Yin Yuxin

Corresponding Author:
Yin Yuxin

College of Education, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua, China


Teachers' psychological resilience affects teachers' psychological and physical health, and plays a vital role in teachers' education and teachers' growth. Chinese scholars have carried out empirical research on teachers' psychological resilience in different sections of basic education, but the conclusion is not the same, causing widespread controversy. This study uses the method of meta-analysis to analyze the results of 34 empirical studies on teachers' psychological resilience in order to clarify the psychological resilience of basic education teachers in China. The research shows that: on the whole, the psychological resilience level of Chinese basic education teachers is significantly lower than that of normal students and equal to that of ordinary adults; in terms of regulatory variables, teaching age and teaching period have a significant impact on teachers' resilience level. Educational background only have a significant impact on individual dimensions of teachers' psychological resilience, while gender has no significant impact on teachers' psychological resilience level and all dimensions. This study analyzes the resilience of Chinese basic education teachers from the macro level, which provides a decision-making basis for the follow-up intervention and adjustment of basic education teachers' psychological resilience.


Psychological resilience; Basic education teachers; Meta-analysis

Cite This Paper

Chen Chen, Yin Yuxin. Meta-Analysis on the Psychological Resilience of Basic Education Teachers in China. International Journal of New Developments in Education (2024), Vol. 6, Issue 5: 79-88. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJNDE.2024.060513.


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