Frontiers in Educational Research, 2020, 3(1); doi: 10.25236/FER.2020.030120.
Lu Yahui, Chen Minzhi
Hunan Institute of Engineering, Hunan 411104, China
In the international trade of agriculture, translators need to have high translation ability and professional quality, and they must make every effort to provide communication convenience for both parties in trade. The most basic principles of translation by translators are “faithfulness” and “smoothness”, so as to provide sufficient and accurate information. This paper first briefly introduces the English translation under the agricultural economic environment, then reveals several problems that often occur in the practical work of agricultural English translators, and finally puts forward several tasks that should be done in the training of agricultural English translation talents in colleges from the perspective of higher education.
Agricultural economy; English translation; Agricultural english
Li Juanli. Research on English Translation in Agricultural Economic Environment. Frontiers in Educational Research (2020) Vol. 3 Issue 1: 126-130.
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