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International Journal of New Developments in Education, 2024, 6(6); doi: 10.25236/IJNDE.2024.060638.

Problems and Strategies of Teaching Reform in Higher Education Institutions in the Context of “Going Global”


Biying Zhang

Corresponding Author:
Biying Zhang

Jilin Communications Polytechnic, Changchun, China


With the Belt and Road Initiative, Chinese higher vocational education is vigorously promoting globalization teaching. The globalization of higher education is not only about “inviting in”, but also about “going out”, which is very important. To actively explore the strategy of “going global” is the leading trend of globalization in the new stage of higher education institutions. In the process of promoting the globalization of Chinese higher vocational education, a number of problems have emerged, which need to be identified objectively. At present, Chinese higher vocational education is still facing the challenge that its positioning and attractiveness are not comparable to those of general higher education, and it is still regarded as “low-end higher education” by some learners and families. The development of vocational education also carries a great mission to improve the appearance of vocational schools and enhance their positioning and appeal. For example, how can Chinese vocational training schools seize the development opportunities to improve their overall capacity? How to improve the management system and operation mechanism of higher vocational schools to promote the “going global” of higher vocational education? These are the major questions that we need to think about, explore and answer. This paper will summarize the current situation of “going global” in domestic higher vocational colleges, summarize the existing mode and characteristics of “going global”, summarize the problems and analyze the reasons, and finally propose the suggestions for teaching reform in higher vocational colleges.


higher vocational colleges, going global, education reform, problems and strategies

Cite This Paper

Biying Zhang. Problems and Strategies of Teaching Reform in Higher Education Institutions in the Context of “Going Global”. International Journal of New Developments in Education (2024), Vol. 6, Issue 6: 244-250. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJNDE.2024.060638.


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