Academic Journal of Environment & Earth Science, 2024, 6(4); doi: 10.25236/AJEE.2024.060408.
Chen Danling
Dongguan Institute of Surveying and Mapping, Dongguan, China
Urban, symbolizes a certain stage in the evolution of human civilization. Recently, people have discovered some laws in the operation of urban areas and summarized some characteristics of urban systems. This article aims to introduce the urban sub-systems in the complex urban systems, and to study the interactions among urban sub-systems in the operation of urban areas. The first chapter briefly introduces three urban sub-systems, namely the urban land use system, the urban environment system and the urban transportation system, and analyzes their components and importance in the urban system. The second part through the study of Lanzhou, Vienna, and Seoul, analyze the possible connections between each urban sub-system. The third part takes two worldwide cities, Beijing and Santiago, as examples, emphatically shows the interrelationship of three urban sub-systems in the operation of the complex urban system. The conclusion of this article is that urban areas are important habitats for humans and many living things, it is important for human beings to explore and study the complex urban systems, discover and understand the various urban sub-systems, so as to better build the urban space and pursue the sustainable development of the urban systems.
urban system, urban sub-systems, land use, environment, transportation
Chen Danling. The Interactions among Urban Land Use, Environment and Transportation Systems: Draw Miniatures from Five Cities. Academic Journal of Environment & Earth Science (2024), Vol. 6, Issue 4: 53-63.
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