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Academic Journal of Environment & Earth Science, 2024, 6(4); doi: 10.25236/AJEE.2024.060409.

Study on the Ecosystem Service Value of Dongting Lake Based on Land Dynamic Analysis Methods


Zijun Chen

Corresponding Author:
Zijun Chen

College of Resources and Environment, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai'an, China


Based on remote sensing images and regional land cover data from 2000 to 2020, this paper systematically analyzes the spatial distribution and structural change characteristics of land use in the Dongting Lake area using the land use dynamics analysis method, the land use transfer matrix method and the ecosystem service assessment method. The results show that as of 2020, land use changes in the Dongting Lake area are mainly characterized by an increase in farmland and construction land, as well as a decrease in forest land, wetland, grassland, shrubs and bare land to varying degrees. Among them, the wetland area had a net decrease of 75,258.81 ha, which was mainly transformed into farmland, construction land, forest land, grassland and bare land. The values of various types of ecosystem services in the Dongting Lake area in 2000 and 2020 were, in descending order, woodland and shrub, wetland, farmland, grassland and bare land. It is noteworthy that the ecosystem service value of Dongting Lake wetlands increased by 9.56% during these 20 years. The results of this study reveal the dynamic changes of land use and its ecosystem service value in the Dongting Lake area, and provide a scientific basis for the ecological environmental protection and sustainable utilization of land resources in this area.


Analysis of land use dynamics, Land use transfer matrix, Ecosystem services

Cite This Paper

Zijun Chen. Study on the Ecosystem Service Value of Dongting Lake Based on Land Dynamic Analysis Methods. Academic Journal of Environment & Earth Science (2024), Vol. 6, Issue 4: 64-68. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJEE.2024.060409.


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