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Frontiers in Educational Research, 2024, 7(7); doi: 10.25236/FER.2024.070715.

Mechanisms Driving China-Pakistan Higher Education Cooperation


Ruiqiong Meng, Fang Liu, Weiwei Huo, Yixi Zhu

Corresponding Author:
Fang Liu

SILC Business School, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China


This study, grounded in educational ecology and stakeholder theory, explores the driving mechanisms behind higher education cooperation between China and Pakistan. It discloses the key factors influencing the higher education collaboration between the two countries and the challenges they are facing. The research reveals that China-Pakistan higher education cooperation is built upon political trust, economic mutual benefit, and cultural exchange. However, challenges such as political instability, security issues, financial constraints in Pakistan, and cultural differences between the two nations pose obstacles to their collaboration, particularly limiting the scale of Pakistani students studying in China due to economic constraints. From the perspective of educational ecology, China-Pakistan educational cooperation is influenced by various factors such as national policies, economic development, and cultural exchange, demonstrating the dynamic interaction between the education system and the external environment. Stakeholder theory clarifies that Chinese universities aim to enhance their influence and attract Pakistani students through cooperation, while Pakistani universities focus on improving educational quality and research standards through collaboration. Teachers and students, as direct beneficiaries of the cooperation, seek knowledge sharing, academic enhancement, and career development. This study provides an in-depth understanding of the complexity of China-Pakistan higher education cooperation, offering theoretical foundations and practical guidance for further deepening cooperation between the two parties. Future collaborations necessitate comprehensive consideration of the demands and expectations of stakeholders while overcoming existing challenges to achieve sustainable development.


Educational Ecology, University Stakeholders, Higher Education Cooperation

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Ruiqiong Meng, Fang Liu, Weiwei Huo, Yixi Zhu. Mechanisms Driving China-Pakistan Higher Education Cooperation. Frontiers in Educational Research (2024) Vol. 7, Issue 7: 101-107. https://doi.org/10.25236/FER.2024.070715.


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