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Frontiers in Educational Research, 2020, 3(3); doi: 10.25236/FER.2020.030318.

Self and Identity of Marie in Doris Lessing’s A Road To The Big City


Guo Jie-jie*

Corresponding Author:
Guo Jie-jie

Humanity Department, Lu’an Vocational and Technical College, Lu’an Anhui 237000, China
*Corresponding Author Email:[email protected]


Doris Lessing’s A Road to The Big City takes the female perspective to review women’s confusion about love, time and themselves and describe racial conflict, class contradiction and so on to review the broken modern civilization. Marie is one of the common protagonists in Doris Lessing’s story and she is pure and innocent. Luring by her sister, she comes to the big city, wanting to have a different life. She changes her value in the process of integration with the big city. This article researches from the perspective of Marie, exploring the inner conflict and hard decision of the lower class women. Changing themselves can help the women actually have bravery, courage, and cleverness instead of backwardness and ignorance.


Doris lessing; A road to the big city; Female perspective

Cite This Paper

Guo Jie-jie. Self and Identity of Marie in Doris Lessing’s A Road To The Big City. Frontiers in Educational Research (2020) Vol. 3 Issue 3: 76-79. https://doi.org/10.25236/FER.2020.030318


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