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International Journal of Frontiers in Engineering Technology, 2024, 6(4); doi: 10.25236/IJFET.2024.060405.

Research on the Prospect of Future Vehicle Use Based on AI Large Model


Biao Wang, Xiangyu Chen, Ziyu Gao, Xueli Wan, Ao Yang

Corresponding Author:
Biao Wang

College of Mechanical Engineering, North China University of Science and Technology, Tangshan, 063210, China


Since 2023, Artificial Intelligence Large Model has become the hottest topic of discussion with the explosion of OpenAI. Based on the above problems in the actual use of vehicles and the current research results on the application of AI large models, this paper will briefly describe the application of AI large models in vehicles in the future from the aspects of concept, theoretical basis and practical application. At present, the car mainly uses "imperative interaction", similar to voice remote control, which mainly relies on the vehicle user to provide simple instructions to the vehicle intelligent system through voice. With the characteristics of multimode, multi-attention and autonomous fine-tuning of the AI large model, it can be applied to any individual vehicle, through a certain amount of time of interactive learning. AI large models provide strong support for vehicle intelligence and automation, improve driving safety and comfort, and build "person vehicle-home" connectivity. It will promote the development of the automotive industry in the direction of more intelligent and user-friendly.


AI Large model, Vehicle traffic, AI autonomous driving

Cite This Paper

Biao Wang, Xiangyu Chen, Ziyu Gao, Xueli Wan, Ao Yang. Research on the Prospect of Future Vehicle Use Based on AI Large Model. International Journal of Frontiers in Engineering Technology (2024), Vol. 6, Issue 4: 25-30. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJFET.2024.060405.


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