International Journal of New Developments in Education, 2024, 6(7); doi: 10.25236/IJNDE.2024.060719.
Xiaohui Chen
School of Economics and Business Administration, Yibin University, No.8, Jiusheng Road, Yibin City, Sichuan Province, China
Economic Law is one of the compulsory courses for the undergraduate law students. Today, as the market economy develops rapidly, it plays a coordinating role in the operation of China's market economy from the aspects of enterprise organizational relationships, market management relationships and macroeconomic regulation relationships. More and more students are paying attention to the Economic Law course based on the current situation, and some students take the Economic Law to be the direction of their future career. Therefore, the reform of teaching in the Economic Law course has become a focus of teaching reform. As the Internet is gaining its popularity, the traditional teaching mode of the Economic Law courses has also been awakened. That the online Economic Law courses on different platforms have been launched proposes the new challenges to the traditional classroom teaching mode[1]. The combination of modern Internet and traditional teaching methods can enrich the classroom and meet the student’s demand. Blending Teaching is a teaching mode that complements the advantages of traditional and network platforms, and will become the trend of the reform of Economic Law classroom teaching.
Economic Law; Blending Teaching; Classroom teaching
Xiaohui Chen. Exploration on the Application of Blending Teaching in the Teaching Process of Economic Law. International Journal of New Developments in Education (2024), Vol. 6, Issue 7: 116-121.
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